Are you looking for somewhere to live in Frankfurt am Main? It's not always easy to find a flat or house. You need a lot of patience and sometimes a bit of luck.
Here you will find information on the following:
Do you want to live in Frankfurt am Main?
Search portals are a good way of looking for somewhere to live:
- Housing associations: Commercial portals: Shared flats:
You can also search for flats or place an advert for a flat in daily newspapers.
The booklet "Wohnen in Frankfurt" (Living in Frankfurt) provides information on housing and renting. For example: How can I find a flat? What rights do I have when I rent a flat? What is housing benefit? You will find addresses and telephone numbers of services which will answer any questions you have or provide you with help at no charge to you. The booklet is published by the Amt für Wohnungswesen (Office of Housing) of the City of Frankfurt am Main.
Are you looking for a cheap flat to rent?
There are some flats for rent in Frankfurt that are partly paid for by the state. These are called "Sozialwohnungen" (social housing). The City of Frankfurt am Main decides who is allowed to live in social housing.
If you want social housing, you will have to apply to the housing office. To qualify for social housing you will, among other things, have to have been registered as a resident in Frankfurt for one year or longer. It can take a very long time (several years) before you are allocated social housing.
Contact the housing office to apply for social housing and for more information:
Have you got questions about your flat?
- Are you no longer able to pay your rent? Does this mean you might have to move out of your flat? If you have problems like this, contact the Hilfen zur Wohnungssicherung (Help keeping your flat), which is part of the Youth and Social Welfare Office: Is there something wrong with your flat or the building you are living in? For example, does it have mould? If so, contact the Wohnungsaufsicht des Amts für Wohnungswesen (Housing Inspectorate of the Office of Housing): The Amt für Wohnungswesen will help you with any questions you have about your tenancy agreement. You can get help from the mietrechtliche Beratung (Tenancy law advice service), the Stabstelle Mieterschutz (Tenant Protection Unit) and the Mietpreiskontrolle (Rent Control Office)
- if you are paying too much rent
- if estate agents (people who arrange the renting of flats) have done something wrong
- if you need further help with your rent:
Have you been given notice to leave your flat? Have you been forced to leave your flat?
There are various people you can turn to. You can get help and advice.
There are also day centres as well as places where you can stay overnight. You will also get advice and help in these places.
You can find a list at Frankfurt hilft:
The Besonderer Dienst 3 im Jugend- und Sozialamt (Special Service 3 in the Youth and Social Welfare Office) is responsible for people without a home and for providing help with addiction:
Just ask us! Advice centre AmkA.Info
If you have any more questions: AmkA.Info can give you more help.
Phone: (069) 212 - 4 15 15
Or write an e-mail:
We speak German and English.
Advice: Beratung vor Ort
The Stabstelle Mieterschutz (Tenant Protection Unit) of the City of Frankfurt am Main will advise you at stadtRAUMfrankfurt on any questions and problems you might have living in rented property.
Just go along! All dates and information:
Also in stadtRAUMfrankfurt: The Wohngeldbehörde (Housing Benefit Office) of the City of Frankfurt am Main can advise you on financial assistance for housing.
Just go along! All dates and information:
You can also read our tips on living in Frankfurt.
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