Have you got some questions but don't know who to ask?
You can get information and find out who to ask here:
The AmkA.Info Advice Centre knows who can help you. Feel free to contact the team with your questions. You can get information about many services and advice centres. They will help you or the people you know.
Drop by, write an email or give us a call. You can see how and when you can reach us here:
Behördennummer 115
115 is the telephone number for public authorities. Ring 115 if you have any questions about Frankfurt's local authority offices. For example: Where do I have to re-register when I move home? Where and how do I register a trade?
Read more or simply give us a call.
Citizens Advisory Service
What's on in Frankfurt? What festivals or events are there? The Bürgerberatung (Citizens' Office) has all the information you need about important topics and your questions about:
- Important events
- Exhibitions
- Festivities and special occasions
- Public authorities and their tasks
You can find addresses, telephone numbers and opening hours here:
Migration counselling and general social advisory service
Are you new to Frankfurt? Then you will probably have lots of questions. The Migrationsberatung für Erwachsene (Migration Advice Centres for Adults) and the Jugendmigrationsdienste (Youth Migration Services) can advise and support you on various topics, for example:
- Learning German
- School and work
- Accommodation
- Health
- Marriage, family and education
The flyer "Welcome to Frankfurt am Main" is a multilingual introduction to Migrationsberatungstellen für Erwachsene (Migration Advice Centres for Adults), for people aged 27 or older, and Jugenmigrationsdienste (Youth Migration Services), for young people aged 12 to 26.
- The European version of the flyer has information in Bulgarian, English, Greek, Italian, Croatian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish and Russian.
- The international version has information in Arabic, English, French, Pashto, Farsi, Tigrinya, Somali, Turkish and Urdu
The Internationales Familienzentrum e.V. has a migration advisory service and a general social advisory service. The team can advise and support you in Amharic, Bosnian, German, Croatian, Polish, Serbian, Tigrinya and Turkish:
If you live in the Gallusviertel, you can contact the Informations- und Anlaufstelle Rat & Tat. They will help you, for example, with official post or if you have been given notice or want to give notice yourself. It will also help you to write job applications:
Flyer Rat & Tat (PDF)
Frankfurt Welcome & Information Center
Stellen Sie uns Ihre Fragen zum Ankommen und Leben in Frankfurt.
Allgemeine Öffnungszeiten:
Montag bis Freitag von 10 bis 14 Uhr, Donnerstag 10 bis 18 Uhr
Mainzer Landstraße 293, 60326 Frankfurt am Main
So erreichen Sie uns:
per E-Mail an amka.info@stadt-frankfurt.de oder telefonisch unter (069) 212-41515.
Wir sprechen Deutsch, Englisch und weitere Sprachen.
Weitere Infos finden Sie hier.
International professionals
Information and advice on arriving, working, studying and living in Frankfurt can be found here:
Welcome Center Hessen:
FrankfurtRheinMain International Office:
More offers
The Handbook Germany search engine is multilingual. You can select a language by clicking on the globe at the top right. The search engine finds advice and support for you locally.
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